Agricultural Management Informatics / Agriculture and Food Management

PARK Soo-Young
Affiliation:Faculty of Bioresource Sciences / Department of Development of Local Resources
Position:Professor / Chair, Department of Development of Local Resources
Degree:Ph.D.(International Bio-Business Studies)
Research Themes
・Development of an automatic processing analysis system for statistical tests
・Development of a web application for business model creativity
・Applied cognitive neuroscience
・Development of regional resources using drones and image analysis
・Research on management and extension of plant factor with artificial light
・Regional development
Research Contents
I am studying with the following three keywords
1) Data science: development of questionnaire methods & automated statistical analysis tools
2) Neuromarketing: Determination of food preferences by cerebral hemoglobin measurement
3) Smart agriculture: plant factories, drones
And I’d like to introduce some the graduation thesis being conducted in the Park Lab.
・Simulation analysis of the possibility of restaurant in Shobara City and its effects
・Comparative analysis of the living environment and well-being in an urban and mountainous areas
・3D modeling using drones and 360-degree cameras: a study of vacant houses in Shobara City
・Happiness survey analysis of parents with children in Shobara City
・Simulation analysis for ensuring profitability of an on-campus plant factory
・Correlation analysis of plant root respiration and productivity in a plant factory
・Case study on growth strategies for a newly established tourist farm
・The introduction of a production management system and effect analysis
・Effects analysis of the introduction of smart agriculture in mountainous areas
・Evaluation of asparagus taste using cerebral hemoglobin measurement
・Evaluation of the benefits of listening to music when eating alone by measuring cerebral blood flow
Research plan from now on
I will achieve results on each of the above themes together with lab members, so that I can give back those results to the local communities.
Research that wants to collaborate with communities and society
I would like to work with local communities on the current status of drone dissemination, effectiveness, and challenges in Shobara area agriculture.
Cooperation Achievements
- Partner: Shobara City
【Research details】
Analysis of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Agriculture in Shobara City, a Hilly and Mountainous Region, Food, Agriculture, Environment, Vol. 30, 23-33, 2022 (in press) - Partner: Vacant House Expert Network in Shobara City
【Research details】
Construction of a new information dissemination method for local resources using 3D modeling (in progress) - Partner: Hatsukaichi City
【Research details】
Efforts to increase the acquisition rate of individual number cards in Yoshiwa area (in progress)